One Rule For Car Buying Gets Traction

Posted by Richard on July 25, 2024

Question: How much should you spend on a car? Answer: As little as possible. One of the worst car decisions to make is calculating that you can afford the monthly payment, which will be low enough if spread out until the end of time. That’s the wrong way to buy a car, says financial advisor […]

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When Is The Best Time To List Your Home?

Posted by Richard on

The absolute best time to list your home for sale is (drum roll), anytime you are ready. But is there an actual best day? It depends who you ask. A lot of people are taking the word of Zillow, the real estate information company, that the best day is Thursday, if you want to sell […]

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Familiar To Antique

Posted by Richard on July 24, 2024

Think about how many iterations of the telephone we have used in our lifetimes. Rotary phones were the most common device for decades, and until 2006, 750,000 people still had one. Then came the button phone (Touch-Tone), introduced in 1963, updated in 1968 to include those curious extra digits of * and #. But it […]

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Here’s How To Preserve Your Stuff

Posted by Richard on

Mom gave her daughter an ancient and extremely delicate Japanese tea set that originally belonged to Grandma. The daughter loved it and she wanted to display it, so she carefully placed the set in a curio cabinet. One day, the dog jumped up, accidentally hooked his collar on the cabinet knob, and pulled the whole […]

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Planning To Buy A Car?

Posted by Richard on May 23, 2024

It is so easy to buy a car that it is hard to remember what an expensive move it is. According to Kelley Blue Book, the standard down payment on a car is 20 percent. Everyone knows that you aren’t actually required to put down that much, but what most don’t consider is that the […]

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Thinking About A House? Do This First

Posted by Richard on

Spring has arrived and the real estate market is about to take off. If you are considering your first home, you probably know you need a lender and money for a down payment, but you might not have ever considered your creditworthiness. Young people especially may not know their credit score, but when they want […]

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Investment Fraud Targets People Over 50

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Why are people over age 50 often the targets of fraud? Christopher Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, gives this answer, “That’s where the money is!” America’s 79 million baby boomers have about $8.5 trillion in assets. The scams and pitches are constantly evolving. Today, they have a frightening level of sophistication. Some […]

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Crypto Hackers Made Off With $1.7 Billion

Posted by Richard on

$1.7 billion dollars. That’s how much crypto hackers made off with by targeting cryptocurrency platforms in 2023, according to a recent industry report by Chainalysis. To put that in perspective, that’s more than the nominal GDP of the Caribbean nation of Grenada. The good news is that the number actually represents a decline of more […]

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How To Get The Biggest Bang For Your Buck In Remodeling

Posted by Richard on December 13, 2023

When it comes to remodeling, there are plenty of suggestions about where you should put your money and how much you can expect to get back on it. Some say kitchens, some say bathrooms, others say family rooms. The person who knows best what your house needs is you, maybe with the advice of a […]

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How To Spot (And Avoid) A Medicare Scam

Posted by Richard on

Seniors who are considering changes to their original Medicare enrollment, Medicare Advantage plans, or Part D prescription drug plans should take note: Medicare scammers are as determined as ever to steal money and personal information. Watch out for these common scams: * Fraudulent marketing. According to the Federal Trade Commission, there are limits on how […]

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